About AI Aware


About AI Aware: detecting AI generated text, code & media

A growing problem across many sectors

“Generative AI tools represent an existential threat to traditional forms of education assessment”  –  (Sunday Times)

“Halls of Sorcery withdrawn from sale due to AI-generated content”  -(Choice of Games)

“Finance worker pays out $25 million after video call with deepfake ‘chief financial officer’” –  (CNN)

“AI-powered fraudsters are overwhelming bank defences” –  (Market Watch)

Our innovative approach

AI Aware’s algorithms have very high rates of accuracy compared to to other approaches as the more information used to detect AI, the better the detection. Our approach is based on maximising information.

We diverge from current approaches in AI content detection that just use Machine Learning to detect patterns consistent with AI and have proven to be inaccurate.

We have a unique multimodal approach, adding in reverse AI, statistical patterns, a range of signals that people use to detect AI generated content and additional meta data.

Our product is neutral – we don’t judge whether AI-generation is ‘good’ or ‘bad’ – we give users easy to understand visual guides showing where AI used, where adapted by people and where human based.

R&D funding from Innovate UK

Technology grants from Innovate UK, the United Kingdom’s innovation agency, have funded our AI development work over the past 14 months. Only around 5 per cent of companies applying for such funding are supported – the main requirements for funding are innovation level (as judged by a panel of experts) and prospects for commercialisation.

About AI Aware’s People

15 years of artificial intelligence experience

The founders have a mix of commercial and technical expertise having built data companies worth over £20m and a range of AI based products including video content recommendation systems, AI video scheduling and AI content detection. You can learn more about the methodology of AI Aware and why it matters here and about the team.

about ai aware partners, Innovate UK logo
about ai aware partners, samsung logo
about ai aware partners, wftv logo
about ai aware partners, city university logo logo

Learn more about AI Aware’s products

Detect code generated by artificial intelligence. Check for collusion and plagiarism.

Detect the use of artificial intelligence in written essays, marketing copy, legal documents and other text.

Detect the use of AI generated content (such as text of images on a website) and identify the threat level.

Detect the use of AI in generating and manipulating images, videos and sounds including deep fakes.

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